Helping to keep Cullompton Town Fayre free for all

We are bringing the community of Cullompton and Devon the biggest town fayre for many years, but with a big event comes big costs. We’ve set up a CrowdFunding page to help raise the money for the costs which will allow us to keep the event free to enter, unlike many similar events.


If most households just pledged 10p we would have enough to keep the event free, to raise enough money for the three charities, to provide power for the music and PA system, portable toilets so families with young children don’t have to run to the football club which may be a field away. Bowel disease suffers who are supported by two of the main charities we are supporting and fundraising for, can enjoy the event knowing that there are toilets available should they need them.


We are just two people, wanting to bring a great event to Cullompton, with interest from across the south west, breaking the stigma surrounding bowel disease, raising awareness of the conditions and the work each charity does. Supporting Cullompton Community Association and showing everyone the great area we have at our finger tips, which we need to appreciate and protect. We don’t have the funding from councils like other big events, we currently don’t have businesses ploughing large amounts in support.

We have a goal of £500. This will help cover most but not all the costs an event on this scale needs. It will allow us to donate a larger amount to the three charities, to be able to provide and ensure there are enough safety measures such as temporary fencing, cones, tape, signs, high visibility jackets, radios plus other vital pieces of equipment.

If you would like to show your support and pledge any amount to the cause, you can do so on the following link:

We want to thank those who have already pledged and helped with the cause. Your support means a lot to us and drives us to achieve more. It keeps us going, when at times it feels like we’re loosing an up hill battle, with the council making it increasingly difficult to achieve any support, despite supporting the previous year’s, including last year with the swimming pool. We’ve faced stigma and prejudice from people, because we are raising money for bowel disease and standing up and making sure those who live with the diseases are heard.




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